Chinese Fishing Nets-Overview

Chinese Fishing Nets Kochi will be among the most famous tourist symbols of Kerala and Kochi. Chinese fishing nets (Cheenavala)
are to Kochi what the painted face of a Kathakali actor or Houseboats of Kerala are to the state of Kerala in promoting tourism.
Chinese Fishing Nets in Kochi are great symbols of the culture and history of Kerala.
Chinese fishing nets are the living monuments of Kochi. Most of the Chinese fishing nets are owned and operated by
private owners even though these are used as a symbol of Kerala Tourism.


Chinese fishing nets – Cheenavala in Malayalam – is believed to have been introduced in Kochi by Chinese explorer Zheng He, from the court of the Kubla Khan. The fishing net established itself on the Kochi shores between 1350 and 1450 AD.

Structure And Working Of Chinese Fishing Nets

The Chinese nets, made of teak wood and bamboo poles, work on the principle of balance. Each structure, about 10m high, is fixed on the beach and has a cantilever
with an attached net that is spread over an area of about 20 meters. Counterweights, usually stones about 30 cm in
diameter, tied to ropes of different lengths, facilitate the working of the nets.
Often, lights, attached to the teak posts. are suspended above the net to attract fish.
Each fishing net is operated by more than four fishermen and is made in such a way that the weight of a man walking on the main plank is enough to
cause the equipment to be pulled down into the sea. Fishing is usually done in the morning and early evening.
The net is descended into the water for a short time and then raised delicately by pulling on the ropes. The slow rhythm
and balancing of the net is spellbinding to a first-time viewer.

Travel To Cochi Unravel Never-Before Experiences

Well known as the ‘Queen of the Arabian Sea’, Kochi is considered one of the finest harbors in the world. Cochin is a destination where tradition and modernity meet. What could be better than enjoying a backwater cruise at this beautiful place?

Nothing can be fascinating than cruising through the serene lakes of Cochin that are lined up with coconut trees. The backwaters make one enjoy beautiful sights of the local and migratory birds, giant Chinese fishing nets, local villages and more. The beauty of Kochi is something that leaves you amazed at once. A captivating landscape and lush greenery is what adds to the beauty of the backwaters of Kochi.

While the entire state of Kerala is well-known for its backwaters, Cochin backwaters are among the most visited backwaters of Kerala. A number of backwater cruises of the state begin and end at Cochin.